Category: An Immense World Ed Yong

  • All the Lights and Sounds

    Dear Friend, Today, we end our contemplative reading of Ed Yong’s meticulously researched and wonderfully written biography of the animal kingdom, An Immense World. I don’t know about you, but I found the journey remarkable and rewarding, and I’m sure I’ll think about what I’ve learned often in the years ahead. In the last quarter…

  • All Creatures Great and Small

    Dear Friend, As we near the end of October and the conclusion of Ed Yong’s wonderful exploration, An Immense World, here’s a reminder that our “recommend a book” form is live and ready for your input! If you want to suggest a group read for this project, please fill out this form. In the coming week,…

  • Color, Pain, and Touch

    Dear Friend, First, I’m pleased to share that our “recommend a book” form is live and ready for your input! If you want to suggest a group read for this project, please fill out this form. This week’s reading from An Immense World covered a lot of ground, from continuing explorations into how animals perceive…

  • A Responsibility to this Immense World?

    Dear Friend, Today, we begin our second week of reading Ed Yong’s An Immense World. Last week, if you followed the pace I set for myself, you probably read about the first ninety pages, which includes the introduction and first two chapters (and a little bit of chapter three). In my reading, there were a…

  • New Beginnings: An Immense World

    Dear Friend, Today, we begin reading our first selection for this new contemplative reading project, Ed Yong’s An Immense World. Why Contemplative Reading? Contemplative reading asks us not just what we’re learning about the book in our hands (or ears), but what we’re learning about ourselves through the experience of reading it. The aim is…