Category: Christmas Carol Charles Dickens

  • Won-der-ful Happiness

    Dear Friend, A very Merry Christmas to you. I hope your holiday season has been festive and relaxing, and that your experience reading Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol was as pleasant and engaging as mine! This week, we finished the book by reading Staves Four and Five, and once again, Dickens employs the “bell device,”…

  • Standing in the Spirit

    Dear Friend, In my last reflection, I mentioned that I was confused by (or had forgotten about) the timeline that Marley gives to Scrooge, for the visits from each ghost. In Stave One, Marley tells Scrooge they’ll appear to him over the course of three nights. My memory of the story is that the ghosts…

  • December’s Carol Begins

    Dear Friend, Today, I put up my Christmas tree and began reading this month’s contemplative reading selection, Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. A Christmas Carol The editors at Chiltern, who publish my chosen copy of the book, write: “In 1843, Charles Dickens took up his pen to begin his ‘ghostly little book’ and so created…