Category: Kahlil Gibran

  • What Would You Ask If You Had Just One Question?

    Dear Friend, Friendship. Freedom. The quest for knowledge. These are the primary themes in this very short section of seven chapters, in which the priestess returns to ask a third question, another vague “woman” speaks up for the third time (on pain), and a general “man” asks about self-knowledge. And that’s the question that stands…

  • The Morning Song and Silence

    Dear Friend, As I write this response, it’s a quiet Saturday morning, early before everyone wakes. As I sit by myself listening to Sufjan Stevens’s Seven Swans spinning on the turntable, I realize this early quiet is my favorite time of day. And it’s perfect for contemplation. It’s times like these that let me see…

  • Tender Seeds, Joyful Harvest

    Dear Friend, How often do you avoid reading a book because you know you’re going to enjoy it? I guess that sounds like a strange thing to do, but I’ve caught myself doing it a number of times. It’s probably some kind of appeal to delayed gratification. Maybe a better question is, how often are…

  • Introducing The Prophet

    Dear Friend, We close out our third season of The Contemplative Reading Project, and this year’s spring reads, with a book I’ve had on my “to be read” pile for so many years:The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. I’ve selected the 2015 Vintage Books Edition, with the author’s original illustrations. Publisher’s description: The Prophet is a collection…